About Us

 Founded by Children, Created by Children, Designed by Children 

Hello and welcome to Olivia James Gift Store, founded by myself (JC, Age 13) and my step sister (Olivia, Age 11). Our parents kept moaning at us for all the time we spent on our gadgets, Ipads, phones etc, My Mum and Step Dad are business owners and entrepreneurs their favourite moan at us (sorry quote) is 'If you can earn money while on your gadgets, then great, you can stay on them as long as you like, this made me and step sister think and with a little help from our parents, we set up this website.

This is the place to find the best and latest products, we work only with reliable suppliers so that you receive the best quality product.

We believe in high quality and exceptional customer service. But most importantly, we believe shopping is a right, not a luxury, so we strive to deliver the best products at the most affordable prices, and ship them to you regardless of where you are located. (PS, our parents helped us with writing the last couple of paragraphs)

Founded by Children, Created by Children, Designed by Children and currently supported financially by our Parents (ok and a little help with the technical/set up side)